Love your enemies or even neighbours

In life we will always find some with whom we do not naturally form positive relationships with. Perhaps we have inadvertently done things that hurt them, and they are angry with us, perhaps there is some difference of opinion that becomes a block between us. From my personal experience I urge anyone who has a difficult relationship to start praying for such people. Don’t pray that they change to be someone you can like, pray that you are able to grow to love them as Christ would. Show practical and sincere concern for them as an act of will, and Christ will honour this by growing inside you a love that will overcome. This will not mean that they will suddenly like you, but it will prevent your feelings from pushing them further away. Subconsciously we all read each others’ body language and if you harbour anger or hatred for someone, this will be evident to them and they will in turn reject you. On the other hand if you pray for your enemies and seek to offer them help you will find it too hard to keep hating them.

Jesus – Luke 6:27-28 – Do good to those that hate you and bless those who curse you.  Pray for those that persecute you v44.

In Matt 5:38-42 Jesus acknowledges the old teaching of "an eye for an eye", but goes on to say love your enemies. As already mentioned the eye for an eye was introduced to avoid escalating feuds where each crime was responded to by a greater and worse one, yet by the time of Jesus the principle was being used to justify rather than limit revenge. Jesus however forbids revenge, he also forbids a revengeful spirit. We are not to think of our rights but of our duties to others, and we should be unselfish with our possessions so that we put the needs of others before our own.

Jesus equally does not intend that we become doormats offering no resistance to those that abuse us, but he does challenge us to let go of our pride, offer assistance to others even those we do not like,  love and again love. We should take our part in society restraining evil and fighting for justice, and protecting others, but we should do so with love and thinking of what others need,  rather than the selfish focus always upon my needs and requirements or seeking revenge.

In his book “ Challenging Lifestyles” Nicky Gumble says:
“We must never allow ourselves to be motivated by revenge or malice. Rather we are to be peaceful, willing, generous and liberal with our time, money and resources. We are called to disregard totally our own rights and combine this with a passionate concern for the rights of others.”

Quite a challenge yet one in which Jesus will help us to follow his path.

If you have an example to share that may help and encourage others, please do respond with a comment.